One Reader Gets Motivated

2010 Mar 22, 2010

In case you weren’t aware, I write this blog for musicians and budding audio engineers; including myself! I care about writing, recording, and listening to great music as I’m sure you do as well. The goal of The Recording Revolution is to empower you, the readers, to change your attitude about recording just enough in order to see real productivity and enjoyment. I want you to be creating more music than ever, and to be doing it with quality results!

Via Kim Love Flickr

One of my readers, Daniel, sent me a kind email that totally encouraged me and reminded me of why I do this each and every day. I want you to read it real briefly and I hope that it motivates YOU as you are pursuing your music and studio work in 2010. At the end of this post are some helpful links that I think will get you moving in the right direction. Enjoy!

I enjoyed The #1 Rule of Home Recording very much. The eBook is a big part of what has motivated me to get back to working on my music. In the past week I have accomplished more for my music than in the past six months.

The big difference for me was what you said about working with the tools that you have. Previously I had been thinking that before I could start making recordings that would sound good I would need to finish converting my office into my studio. For this endeavor I still need to fix the sound of my room. While I know this is still important it is not as important as actually working on my music.

Working on music is more important than gear obsession. This is the difference. In the past week I have created a music website, uploaded all of my previous songs (most of which are just scratch tracks and sound like garbage lol) and I am currently working on a new song using what I have learned on your site. (The one song in one month videos are VERY helpful).


Helpful resources on The Recording Revolution:

Discover The 6 Steps for Creating a
Radio-Ready Song from Scratch"

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